Registered user since Thu 17 Jul 2014
Suresh Jagannathan is a Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University where he has been on leave since September 2013, serving as a program manager in the Information Innovation Office at DARPA. He has also been a visiting faculty at Cambridge University, where he spent a sabbatical year in 2010; and, prior to joining Purdue, was a senior research scientist at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, N.J. He received his Ph.D from MIT.
His research interests are in programming languages generally, with specific focus on compilers, functional programming, program verification, and concurrent and distributed systems. At DARPA, he manages programs in probablistic programming and machine learning (PPAML), program synthesis and automated repair through large-scale software mining (MUSE), and adaptive computing and resource-aware program analysis (BRASS).
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