Registered user since Wed 10 Jun 2015
Name:Jean Yang
I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, joining fall 2016. I am a member of the Principles of Programming group and affiliated with the Pure and Applied Logic program. I also have an affiliate appointment in CMU’s Computational Biology Department.
I received my PhD from MIT in 2015 and my bachelor’s degree from Harvard in 2008. During the 2015-2016 academic year I am visiting the Fontana Lab at Harvard Medical School.
Along with new faculty members Matt Fredrikson and Jan Hoffmann, I am actively looking for PhD students. You may read more about my research plans here.
Affiliation:Carnegie Mellon University
Personal website: http://jeanyang.com/
Research interests:programming language design, software verification, security, privacy
PLDI 2016-profile
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