Registered user since Mon 20 Jun 2016
Erez Petrank is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Technion. Erez's main research contributions are in the area of systems (with a focus on memory management), in the area of parallel algorithms (with a focus on concurrent data structures), and in the area of cryptography (with a focus on theoretical foundations). Erez has been involved in the construction of practical systems at IBM and at Microsoft; he has contributed algorithms for various memory management components (including reference counting, compaction, concurrent and real-time garbage collection); he made wait-free data structures practical; and designed innovative concurrent and non-interactive zero-knowledge protocols.
Erez was awarded the IBM Research Division Award (twice), the Yanai Award for excellence in teaching, the Salomon Simon Mani Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Rothschild Post-Doctoral fellowship, the Miriam and Aaron Gutwirt Special Scholarship, and the Technion Award for High Excellence in Teaching (6 times). Erez holds 10 patents, one of which was listed among the 10% most profitable IBM patents for 2002. His research has been funded by IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Yahoo, the Israel Science Foundation, and the United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation. Erez has served on the ACM SIGPLAN Executive Committee (2009–2012), he was the general chair of ISMM 2006 and VEE 2011, the program chair of ISMM 2013, the program co-chair of VEE 2014, and has served on the program committees of PLDI, ECOOP, PPOPP, PODC, SPAA, CRYPTO, PACT, ISMM, VEE, MSP, MSPC, AsiaCrypt, and TCC.
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