Registered user since Mon 17 Aug 2015
Name:Colin Gordon
I completed my PhD (2014) and MS (2011) at the University of Washington, focusing on formal verification of concurrent programs, co-advised by Michael Ernst and Dan Grossman, with a lot of input from Matt Parkinson. I earned my ScB from Brown University in 2008, where I worked with Shriram Krishnamurthi and Maurice Herlihy. I’ve interned with NetApp’s filesystem group, the Solaris kernel group at Sun Microsystems, and have been both a full-time employee (before grad school) and intern (during grad school) with an operating system incubation group at Microsoft. Prior to joining Drexel I was a researcher (Senior Research Engineer) at Samsung Research America.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Drexel University
Personal website: https://cs.drexel.edu/~csgordon/
Research interests:Type Theory, Separation Logic, Verification, Concurrency and Parallelism, Capabilities, Type and Effect Systems
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