Registered user since Fri 1 May 2015
I am a Research Scientist at in the Supercomputing Technologies Group at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Before that I was Akamai Technologies, and before that I was an assistant professor in the Yale University Department of Computer Science with a joint appointment in the Yale University Department of Electrical Engineering. I am involved data-storage startup called Tokutek which focuses on data storage. In particular, Tokutek focuses on MongoDB performance and performance for MySQL and MariaDB. Furthermore one gets great mongodb compression as well as great mysql and mariadb compression. There are some extras that aren’t really part of the data structure, but are more to do with good engineering at Tokutek are hot schema change for mysql and mariadb as well as multi-statement transactions for MongoDB.
Previously I’ve been involved with other startup.
My research applies algorithm design to solve systems problems in high-performance computing. I was one of the principal architects of the Connection Machine CM-5, and am the co-author of two world-class computer chess programs (StarTech and *Socrates.) I participated at MIT in the Cilk development project, which provides an algorithmic multithreaded programming system.
As an assistant professor at Yale I worked on the Ultrascalar Project, in which we improved the theoretical bounds for how fast a superscalar processor’s clock can run, as a function of the window size or the issue width. We also had an 8-issue out-of-order processor fabricated in a 0.18 micron copper/low-K VLSI process. Recently we have been working on developing the mechanisms for a speculative dataflow processor.
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